Title, Name - Surname | Program | Phone / E-Mail |
Prof. Dr. Nazan YELKİKALAN | School Director | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30107 nyelkikalancomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Cumhur ERDÖNMEZ | Office Management and Executive Assistant | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30055 cerdonmezcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Dilek KEKEÇ MORKOÇ | Office Management and Executive Assistant | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30053 dkmorkoccomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Hatice GÜRER ÖĞÜTCÜ | Office Management and Executive Assistant | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30049 h.gurercomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Tanju GÜDÜK | Office Management and Executive Assistant | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30097 tanjugudukcomu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu SARI UĞURLU | Child Development | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30052 burcusaricomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Sema GÜZEY KANDEMİR | Child Development | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30066 semakandemircomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Cihan YILDIZ CANPOLAT | Child Development | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30063 cihanycanpolatcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Dr. Emine Merve USLU | Child Development | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30069 merveuslucomu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Mutlu ÖZBİLEN | Child Development (Assistant Director) | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30056 fatihmutlu.ozbilencomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Yeşim MONUS | Finance, Banking and Insurance | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30057 yesimmonuscomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Meral AÇIKGÖZ | Photography and Camerawork | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30068 meralacikgozcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Onur BAYRAM | Photography and Camerawork (Assistant Director) | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30043 onurbayramcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Mehmet EŞLİ | Photography and Camerawork | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30047 mehmeteslicomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Derya KILIÇ SARIKAYA | Photography and Camerawork | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30046 derya.sarikayacomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Seçil DÜZTEPE | Public Relations and Publicity | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30064 sduztepecomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Muhammet HAKSEVER | Public Relations and Publicity | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 300XX muhammet.haksevercomu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sena ERDEN AYHÜN |
Business Administration |
0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30048 senaerdencomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Mutlu BATTALOĞLU | Business Administration | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30065 mutlucomu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Elçin BAYRAKTAR KÖSE | Business Administration | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 300XX ebayraktarkosecomu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe ATILGAN SARIDOĞAN | Accounting and Taxation | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30061 aysesaridogancomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Ayhan SARIYILDIZ | Accounting and Taxation | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30067 asariyildizcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Dr. Dilek ŞAHİN | Accounting and Taxation | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30070 d.sahincomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Fisun ÜNAL ÖZTÜRK | Accounting and Taxation (13/b-4) | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30062 funalcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Ceyda TUNÇ YILANCI | Accounting and Taxation | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30070 ceyda.yilancicomu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KURT | Accounting and Taxation | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30066 ahmetkurtcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Durgut ERDİM | Local Administrations (13/b-4) | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30051 terdimcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Burak BALIK | Local Administrations | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30042 burak.balikcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Elif ÇALIŞKAN POLAT | Local Administrations | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30096 elifcaliskanpolatcomu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. HAFİZE SEÇTİM | Local Administrations | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 30049 hafize.sectimcomu.edu.tr |
Lecturer Gamze KARA | Local Administrations | 0 (286) 218 00 18 - 300XX gamze.karacomu.edu.tr |