Child Development Program
About the Program
Child education should be considered as a whole. The important thing is not only the care of the child, but also the education of the child. This program aims to train people who have the necessary knowledge and skills, who provide music, painting, drama, gymnastics, computer training in pre-school education and special education institutions, playrooms in children's clinics, provide children with a pleasant time, prepare materials. The early stages of childhood, which is the time period in which the foundations of personality are laid, are of great importance for the development and socialization of the child. For the child's social, mental, psychological and spiritual development and future success, it is essential for individuals to have sufficient knowledge about early education. In addition, the importance of education and upbringing services given to the child is undeniable in order for the child to be aware of his capacity and to use it, as well as to improve his intelligence and increase his physical skills and motivation.
To train well-equipped and qualified child developers who will ensure the development of normal, special needs, sick, vulnerable and at risk children in the 0-18 age group in our country; develop tools for assessing progress; to provide consultancy, publication and research services (in line with their requirements) to persons, institutions and organizations related to the field; To develop and produce projects by using contemporary approaches related to children, families, educators and society, and to implement and disseminate these projects in a way that will benefit children and families from all segments of the society.
With its modern education and developmental level of knowledge, it is also possible to train professional staff who can lead families, children and educators, who can renew and develop themselves in line with the changing and developing needs of the society, and who can communicate creatively and effectively, with the education, consultancy, research and publication services provided to families, children and professionals. to be one of the leading institutions for the society at national and international level; To contribute to the formation of a society that preserves its own culture and has universal values and includes qualified individuals; scientific objectivity, honesty and transparency, creativity, flexibility, openness to contemporary approaches, sensitivity to social realities; being a pioneer, reconciliation and tolerance, team and responsibility awareness, cooperation, being idealistic, working with an understanding of continuity in education.